À esquerda: Giuseppe Penone, Landscap with Vegetal Gesture, 1983-5. À direita: Magdalena Abakanowicz, Coexistence, 2002.
À esquerda: George Segal, Rush Hour, 1983. À direita: Magdalena Abakanowicz, Space of Becalmed Beings,1992/1993.
Magdalena Abakanowicz: «I fell overwhelmed by quantity where counting is no longer possible. By unrepeatability within such quantity. A crowd of people or birds, insects or leaves, is a misterious assemblage of variants of a certain prototype, a riddle of nature abhorrent to exact repetition or inability to produce it, just as a human hand can not repeat its own gesture. [...] I immerse in the crowd, like a grain of sand in the friable sands. I am fading among the anonimity of glances, movements, smells, in the common absorption of air, in the common pulsation of juices under the skin».